Parsimonious ancestral state reconstruction of the connecting states of the cephalic lateral line canal systems of the opsariichthyin fishes and their out-groups from the maximum likelihood tree inferred from cytochrome b sequences (InL = 12054.39). A The connecting states between the supraorbital (SO) and infraorbital (IO) canals B the connecting states between the temporal (TC) and preoperculomandibular (POM) canals C the connecting states between the left and right sides of the supratemporal canals (ST). The color of each node indicates the connecting states of the cephalic lateral line canal system: black, continuity; white, discontinuity; gray, both sides of the ST connected and extending anteriorly.

  Part of: Ito T, Fukuda T, Morimune T, Hosoya K (2017) Evolution of the connection patterns of the cephalic lateral line canal system and its use to diagnose opsariichthyin cyprinid fishes (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). ZooKeys 718: 115-131.