Don't let the pseudoscorpions bite

An encounter with an unexpected creepy-crawly

Rick Koval
Sleep tight? Imagine waking up to this bedtime intruder- a grotesque creature with

impressive pincers and a crab-like appearance called the House Pseudoscorpion. This uninvited guest just might wind up in your bed. [Photo by Rick Koval]

Talk about strange bedfellows. We may know whom we sleep with but not always, whom we wake up with.

Just about every evening, we go through the same bedtime rituals; pat the pillow, slip under the bed sheet and tuck under the blanket.

We might read a few pages of a favorite novel; check some emails, Facebook, or catch the evening news. Our eyes become dreary; we set the alarm clock, turn off the electronics, shut off the nightlight and fall asleep. Our minds wander and venture into dreamland.

As the alarm rings its wake up call, we yawn, turn on the light and lift our toneless body off the bed. We stare at the pillow and suddenly, a speckle of movement captures our attention. We say to ourselves,” What the heck is that?” Imagine waking up to an uninvited bedtime partner.

Well, this bizarre and one-time event happened to me several years ago. I would have never noticed the bedtime intruder, if it were not for the white bed sheet.

Waddling on the sheet was a tiny, dark brown bug. I can tolerate the occasional lady beetle and stinkbug, but not a creature for which I had no clue of the identity.

This miniature monster, tinier than a grain of rice was quite the mystery creature. We have enough to worry about in the outside world such as pesky mosquitoes, sticky spiders, stinging bees and blood-sucking ticks; however, I became quite concerned that it was a bed bug.

“Impossible,” I said to myself, as I glanced down at its grotesque appearance.

I captured the mystery critter, carefully placed it in a container, grabbed a magnifying glass and camera, and hit my bug books. The creature of the night fit the description of a monster from a horror film, but microscopically smaller. It had a dark brown, pear-shaped body supported by eight contorted legs, almost tick-like. Guarding its tiny pointed head were two long appendages, tipped with long pincers similar to a crab; in fact, it waddled just like a crab.

I knew it was an arachnid by having eight legs so I opened up my childhood Golden Guide book called Spiders and Their Kin. Page by page, I searched and finally on page 121 was an illustration of my nighttime visitor. The creature was a House Pseudoscorpion, Chelifer cancroides — a scorpion-like arachnid without the scorpion tail.

Upon further research, I discovered according to Steve Jacobs, Sr., Extension Associate of Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, “Pseudoscorpions are tiny arachnids, 2 to 8 millimeters in length, with four pairs of legs and one pair of relatively large pedipalps (pincer-like claws).

Most people do not notice or recognize pseudoscorpions, which is primarily due to the secretive nature and small size of these animals. Frequently, homeowners discover pseudoscorpions in bathroom sinks and tubs, and beds. Many believe they are either ticks or small spiders. Pseudoscorpions are neither dangerous, nor destructive; they eat many small arthropods, including caterpillars, flies, ants, beetle larvae, and booklice. Several dozen species are present in Pennsylvania. The pseudoscorpion species commonly encountered by Pennsylvanians is cosmopolitan — the house pseudoscorpion, Chelifer cancroides.”

I also learned that the tips of those long pincer-like claws are poisonous, which enables it to capture food. Imagine if these critters were the size of mice? Fortunately, peudoscorpions pose no threats to homeowners, children or pets. So hold off on the pesticides, as these predators help control tiny household pests.

I cannot remember the last time I had a nightmare, but I will never forget waking up to one. Afterwards, I washed the bed sheets, pillowcases and linens just to pacify nighttime anxieties. My curiosity directed me to place a white sheet down on the floor for several days just to see if any more uninvited “scorps” would show up, but to no avail.

You never know what strange creepy things venture throughout the night, and perhaps into your bed. Remember that old-time saying, “Sleep tight; don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Don’t worry about bed bugs biting because you might be sleeping with a scorpion, of sorts. And might I say, “Sweet dreams; have a nice scream!” Happy Halloween!