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Blood Diamonds Decoded: Uncovering The Dark Legacy

Blood diamonds, with their original condition in the mines, caused many unbalancing activities that were unacceptable to human society.

The international community and diamond connoisseurs manifested concerns about the issues related to blood diamonds. To solve the problems and effects of these conflicted diamonds, the United Nations held a meeting in 2003 with the stakeholders and established a Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). The intention behind implementing this scheme was to prevent conflict in mining diamonds and apply strict regulations to the diamond industry.

These issues are not limited to supply chain but are also dangerous for people around the mines and regions. For example, Africa is the core region for raw mined natural diamonds. However, after implementing KPCS, it threatened the disrupted legitimate diamond trade and affected the economic conditions of individuals. Meanwhile, it also struggled with human rights abuses, environmental degradation, and exploitation of the diamond industry.

A gemstone's world is filled with precious and colorful stones that drive advantages to individuals, but diamonds are beyond them. These remarkable gems have been highly valued for many years, serving as powerful symbols of affection, opulence, and unwavering dedication. But beneath their sparkling facades, the dark legacy conveys conflict and humanity's anguish.

There are many errors conveyed with blood diamonds, so we will look into them and see their effects on our livelihood and lifestyle in this article. We will understand the overall "how blood diamonds being conflicted for environment and human society."

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Blood Diamond's Allure and Charm

Round brilliant cut polished diamonds that are mined from the land as natural diamonds.

Diamonds continue to be loved as a sign of love, luxury, and enduring dedication. Their stunning brilliance and scarcity make them a sought-after for engagement rings, necklaces, and crowns adornment. But, underneath diamonds' gleaming facets and brilliant appeal, a terrible truth awaits as the world of blood diamonds.

Blood diamonds are defined as "a conflict, war, and issues to the world" because they are mined with the sole intention of abusing human rights and crushing people's emotions to fund the illegal activities and civil wars in mines zones.

Everyone knows a good part of the diamond as its brilliance and prestigious tag, but some of them are not aware of the dark side of these gems. These diamonds are available at high prices and mined with unethical practices where no one can control them even though the laws are stricken.

The Origins Of Blood Diamonds

Natural polished diamonds with their original reflection are rare in lab-grown diamonds and other kinds of diamond alternative gems.

The term "blood diamonds" emerged in the late 20th century when African countries were affected by civil wars and rebel conflicts. Because, at that time, diamonds were funded to evoke the war between regions and take control over human society. In wars, the goons kidnapped the younger and more energetic people for the illegal mining.

These diamonds are born under the earth's crust, where some kinds of precious gemstones like Spinel, Amethyst, and Rubies are found. The heat and pressure of the mine are extraordinary, which is not easy to bear. So, in this condition, the miners have to undergo in it to bring out the beautiful natural diamond.

Still, after it, the diamond surpasses many hands of the supply chain that contains corruption, abuse, and wars in small regions, which is not required for world. This performing act severely affects the human development index, constantly decreasing their lifestyle. That means those regions remain backward despite all kinds of aid from developing countries and organizations.

The African Tragedy and Coincidence

The map of origination of blood diamonds is usually found in the African continents, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, and Sierra Leone.

The whole continent of Africa is blessed with natural resources, especially precious gemstones and diamonds. Most diamonds are mined from this region, but it results in horrible civil wars, destroying basic human rights, or all kinds of illegal activities that lead people to live or die. This is the fact about the blood diamonds, and that's why they are determined as the conflict diamonds.

Africa's Sierra Leone country is known for inviting conflicts and civil wars from mining diamonds. There are some forces that exist that run the government with sole discretions of illegal practices, abuse of authority, not respecting human rights, and funds to buy weapons. These rebel forces work only to influence the labor force to bring out precious diamonds, and sometimes, the miners' workers lose their lives in the mines.

Angola is the central African country with natural diamond mines; from here, precious gems were brought out. However, the control of some diamond mines is still in the hands of the rebel forces, which is a headache for the government.

To handle them, a government has to make extra provisions in the budget for employing the military forces to save the people from these rebels being pushed into the dark mining companies. This act pull back the economy of a country that still counts as an undeveloped tag with itself.

Another, country involving in the origination of blood diamond is the Democratic Republic of Congo, the fourth largest natural diamond producer country behind the Russian Federation, Canada, and South Africa.

Some issues always remain despite having natural resources mines, especially for natural diamonds. The rebel forces forcibly kidnapped innocent people and children to allocate the mining work to them. Some connoisseurs believe a DRC's diamonds are the epicenter of blood diamond scandals, while others think it's a myth.

The "X Factor" for Blood Diamonds

Mined diamonds in their original formation are usually referred to as rough diamonds and in the natural crystal that grows in the mines.

Blood diamonds have an X factor unlike anything else in the world of gemstones, where allure and beauty can hides the terrible truths of their origins. It's a fact about the mined diamonds. The phrase "blood diamonds" describes precious stones tarnished by conflict, brutality, and distress among people. Under their brilliant exteriors, they conceal a dark past that requests our attention and prompts human beings to take action.

The X factor of the diamond is their brilliance and prestigious tag that comes with the hard and bitter truth of unethical practices to abusing human rights without any fear of punishment. The luxury and opulence hide the facts about the blood diamonds, and everyone is mesmerized by their excellent looks.

Is it okay? Ask this question to yourself.

These diamonds are not only called blood diamonds because of their illegal mining practices and other problems. Simultaneously, they are unethically traded in exchange for human trafficking and other unimaginable issues. It's evoking wars and unconditional situations between two regions, and as a result, all human societies should suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent.

These gems serve as an alarming reminder of the potential human cost of even our most prized matters. They bring to light the accounts of those who were exploited and pressured into labor, whose families were split apart, and whose villages or houses were destroyed.

Do you want to join this awful activity that ruined the humanitarian? It erases the humanitarian's real meaning and invites unnecessary problems for the government and people in the particular region. Think critically about it and then make the decision because your POV and decision matters always.

The Global Response For Blood Diamonds

Original mined diamond found on the land made by a natural process proves they are real diamonds, not crystal or alternative stones.

As mentioned above, the blood diamonds convey the big container of the civil wars, bad humanitarian, and forced labor issues with the mining works. So, in 2003, the UN (United Nations) discussed these issues with the stakeholders, and finally, they all concluded to implement the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. Implementing this scheme aims to prevent illegal diamond trading by applying strict regulations for industry and providing better working conditions for workers.

After Kimberley Process Schemce Certification was implemented, it faced robust challenges and criticism. To bring diamonds to a legitimate market, many errors existed, like loopholes in the supply chain, corruption, and deficient framework. This scheme failed to prevent the flow of blood diamonds.

Under the Kimberley Process, the diamonds are certified as conflict-free after inspecting all the required components and aspects. The government provides the Kimberley process certificate after ensuring the diamonds are not funded for illegal activities like wars and following ethical mining practices.

The expectation of implementing the KPCS for mined diamonds was highly recommended, but the result came with a totally different scenario. The Kimberley Scheme failed to prevent the blood diamonds flow, and its reputation was questioned in the diamond industry.

The loopholes and corruption bite the diamond's efficient supply chain, which was not intended in the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.

The Different Face Of KPCS

Ethical and sustainable natural diamonds that do not cause any harmful and destructive activities to nature and human society as blood diamond does.

While the Kimberley Process was intended to reduce the trade in blood diamonds, it accidentally created new problems. Diamonds were a key source of money for many African governments. The Kimberley Process strict requirements threatened to disrupt the legal diamond trade. It's unintentionally hurting the financial well-being of many people.

Some small diamond vendors felt an issue with following the strict regulations of KPCS, and they couldn't afford to implement those rules.

So, Kimberley Certified diamonds are actual mined diamonds. Still, they are brought out with the best ethical practices because the government approves the certification for inspecting all kinds of narratives and aspects. It is determined that diamonds are not funded to incite violence and war in the mining areas.

Furthermore, the procedure is frequently needed to address bigger issues such as human rights violations, environmental degradation, and extortion of the diamond industry. The emphasis focused solely on conflict diamond prevention, leaving other issues ignored. It invited another headache for the government to control these problems, and it's tough economic challenge.

Ongoing Challenges For Blood Diamonds

Ethical diamond engagement gold ring for women to shop as a commitment ring for a better future environment that is not involved in conflict or illegal activities.

Despite considering the precious appearance of natural diamonds, many stakeholders and sightholders companies tried to tackle the ongoing challenges for a better environment. Many countries, organizations, NGOs, and key industry players are weighted to make the supply chain transparent, ethical, and unbroken, excluding the space of illegal trade practices.

Blood diamonds remain a more profound issue to solve worldwide, but with the best practical strategy, its impact could be decreased at some level.

In recent years, the awareness about ethical practices for diamonds has significantly increased, thanks to the researchers and all of the stakeholders who are actively doing inventions about how to reduce the impacts of conflict diamonds.

This process is running without losing the luster and prestigious tag of the diamonds. They emphasize the worker's fundamental rights, less environmental footprint, and helpful community development.

Ethical Diamonds and Sustainable Practices

The couple wears an ethical diamond promise ring on the finger as the promise of a green environment and better human society atmosphere in contrast to blood diamond.

Diamonds always remain a beautiful choice for jewelry pieces. When two individuals met each other for love and support to achieve milestones together, they engaged and finally married. To make those moments memorable and ideal, diamond jewelry has been exchanged, whether it's a promise ring, engagement ring, or wedding eternity band.

But, as a buyer, you have to ensure the stone you hold in your hand is ethically mined from following all the required regulations. Because you never wish to contribute your share to a bad environment and cause of someone's life, right?

The search for ethical diamonds has gained traction. Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact of their purchases and are looking for diamonds that have not been stained by violence or exploitation. Ethical diamond companies and jewelers are emerging with transparent and accountable sourcing procedures.

The Canadian diamond business is one famous example of ethical diamonds. Canada's diamond mines are well-known for their stringent environmental and labor laws. These diamonds are frequently monitored from mine to market, giving consumers confidence in their ethical origins.

Lab-grown diamonds have also gained popularity as a more environmentally friendly and ethical alternative to diamonds. These diamonds are mined in controlled surroundings, which eliminates the possibility of conflict and the environmental effects associated with traditional mining. They are utilized in all types of lab diamonds and lab diamond-made jewelry pieces such as engagement rings, wedding rings, wedding bands, women's necklaces, and bracelets.

Your Role To Reducing Risk Of Blood Diamonds

A round natural diamond halo engagement white gold ring can be gifted to a love partner as a commitment symbol for a wedding proposal.

If you love to get diamond jewelry for your partner, then you have control over the industry. Your demands for ethical jewelry and sustainable diamonds will positively impact the market. If you insist on more and more ethically mined diamonds, it will influence the jewelry business owners to keep their practices sustainable and human friendly for the environment.

While you are selecting an engagement ring or a wedding anniversary bracelet present for your wife, consider the ethical diamonds. It is you and only you who convey a good impression for future generation. Your one step towards selecting sustainable jewelry releases a genuine effect on everyone.

For example, you bought a colored diamond bracelet for your wife as a surprise present. You hang out with your colleagues and friends, and they see your wife wearing a beautiful bracelet with diamonds and gold. They ask you whether an ethical diamond is used or how much the price of that jewelry piece is.

You tell them it's an ethical lab diamond jewelry bracelet that looks precious and glorious on the hand with the $2500 price range.

The Next Towards A Better Future

It selects an ethically mined diamond that helps for a better future green environment.

The blood diamond problems still need proper concentration to resolve easily and effectively. The process has been started, but some other issues have erupted the flexibility of the solution. But it's not 100% impossible to counter back with a prominent way to tackle.

Whenever ethically mined diamonds are selected, or customers select lab-grown diamonds, it is the first step towards a greener environment and a token of sustainability. It indicates that all kinds of human rights and better working conditions are followed to bring out the diamond gemstone. Many myths wander the market about how a customer can understand whether the diamond is ethical or unethical.

Look, every diamond has its own journey from beneath of the earth to the hands of customers. But, with KPCS and other types of ethical diamonds certifications, it will be accepted as the authorized and trustful choice. So, whenever you have a doubt about your diamond's credibility, consult your jeweler and demand a KPCS and other certifications related to the diamond.

The piece of diamond doesn't include any blood, but the humans who controlled them make blood diamonds. The diamond's gleaming facet symbolizes beauty and principles of peace, justice, and sustainability. Thus, as a buyer, it's your responsibility towards nature, the environment, and all human society to contribute a good part in selecting ethically mined and lab-grown diamonds.


Blood diamonds convey a good message on one side. Still, its other side remains dark, where the children are forced to labor for mining and illegal activities that generate massive profits for banned and invalid rebel forces. Customers are always mesmerized by the diamond's preciousness but forget how these stones surpass human rights violations and barbarism.

We won't stop you from selecting a natural diamond, not at all. But we guide you to select ethically mined diamonds that eventually sustain their standards from mines to your hands. As a buyer, you don't want to negatively impact the future generation by selecting an unethical diamond, right?

There is a choice to pick a lab-grown diamond instead of paying the high price tag for a natural diamond. Understand that whether you pick an unethical and ethical diamond for jewelry or for other uses, you have to pay at least $50,000 for a 1.00 carat. On the other hand, for spending around $1000 to $2000, you will get a customized brilliant cut or fancy shaped lab diamond as eco-friendly diamond with the same quality grades.

That's why customers are picking lab diamonds instead of growing awareness about ethical rough diamonds. Do you know why? Because of the controlled and environmentally friendly making process. Despite having complete command, the lab-grown diamond remains next choice to the natural diamonds. It's available from white to fancy colors and brilliant to customized antique cuts.

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  • Why blood diamonds are bad choice?

Blood diamonds feature unnecessary load to the government for handling the human trafficking and spreading the terrorism in the mine areas. Also, the humans are forcibly kidnapped for illegal mining to find a precious gemstone, a diamond; no, it's a "Blood Diamond." Due to their negative impacts on our society, these diamonds aren't recommended.

  • Where blood diamonds are found in the African continent?

In Africa, five major regions have the sources of blood diamonds: 1. Angola, 2. The Democratic Republic Of Congo, 3. Sierra Leone, 4. Central Republic Of Africa, and 5. Liberia. The first three contribute more to the share of diamond mining. These region's rough diamonds are determined as the "Conflicted Diamonds," but with the KPCS and other authorized certifications, they will be accepted as ethical diamonds.

  • Are blood diamonds eligible for resalable?

Yes, blood diamonds are eligible for resale because they contain a natural counterpart. After the depreciation, they successfully retain 70-80% of value even after 2 - 5 years from the purchase. It's a good investment for maintaining better ROI instead of buying tangible assets. Here, individuals have to consult their financial planner because it's risky.

  • How much are blood diamonds worth?

The cost of blood diamonds starts from $50,000 to $100 million per carat. The price of these diamonds depends on their rarity, clarity, carat weights, color spectrum, and original formation. Also, to bring natural diamonds from mines to the market, the overhead and indirect expenses significantly increase, so the final selling price is sometimes counted in the millions.

  • Is blood diamond any more valuable?

Blood diamonds are valuable because of their natural origination, brilliance, color spectrums, and rarity. But on the other side, when you evaluate its value emotionally, then it has zero worth because it was mined forcibly, especially from the violated human rights. Customers want valuable and conflict-free gemstones where lab-grown is the best choice.

  • What is KPCS in diamonds?

The KPCS stands for Kimberley Process Certificate Scheme, which was implemented by the United Nations in 2003. The KPCS certificate ensures that the diamond is ethically mined. The government issued this certificate without any involvement of third parties. Implementing this scheme prevents the illegal trade of diamonds by stricken with rules and regulations.

  • My friend plans to shop for diamonds; what can I help him with?

You recommend he select conflict-free diamonds with the KPCS certificate or advise him to consult a professional jewelry store or gemologist. If he wants a cost-affordable option, then happily guide him to pick a lab-grown diamond, which is an ideal choice with its eco-friendly manufacturing process.

  • Are there any preventative steps to stop blood diamonds from being dumped into the market?

The first step is to insist on the KPCS or other reputable certifications from recognized institutions. The second step is to select lab-grown diamonds to prevent blood diamond dumping. Meanwhile, government agencies would investigate this to stop the entry of blood diamonds into the market, and they would ensure all diamonds are conflict-free.

  • Can blood diamonds break from a hammer

Diamonds have a 10/10 score on the Mohs scale (used to know the gemstone's hardness). So, it's usually not easily broken when fallen coincidentally by the individuals. But if the hammer is hit on the diamond with pressure and force, its anatomy may be damaged, and its luster will be lost. After that, it always remains worthless and has zero value.

  • How do I identify my diamond as a blood diamond or an ethical diamond?

Usually, it's hard to tell which one is the blood diamond or which is found with the ethical practices. But with the certificate, you can understand the diamond traceability or demand a diamond tester video from the seller for the trustability of its origination. You can believe the recognized institution's certifications of diamonds.

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