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Eucnemidae (false click beetles)

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The false click beetles (Eucne­midae) are closely related to the click beetles (Elateridae), but their click mechanism is much weaker. They are found largely in woodlands and forests with plenty of dead wood for breeding. The larvae develop in mouldy wood, mostly in the presence of fungi. They are a cosmopolitan family with 1700 species found in all continents except the Antarctica. Their greatest diversity is found in the tropical and subtropical regions. In Germany 19 species have been recorded.

World: 1700 Europe: 36 Germany: 19 collected: 9 Missing species Overview in inquiry module fraction: 47%
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   Hint Color of pronotum or elytra, total or partial, also metallic shine
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Catalogue status
Missing species Eucnemidae (false click beetles) – currently missing species (10)
 Eucnemis capucina
 Rhacopus sahlbergi
 Rhacopus pyrenaeus
 Nematodes filum
 Epiphanis cornutus
 Hylis olexai
 Hylis procerulus
 Xylophilus corticalis
 Xylophilus testaceus
 Otho sphondyloides