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Create Newspaper Pots for Seed-Starting

By: Nan Ondra

Start your seeds in biodegradable pots that can go directly into the ground — no transplant shock!

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Newspaper Seed-Starter Pots

You can grow dozens or even hundreds of new plants to fill your yard and garden with great flavors and bright color for the cost of just a few packets of seed. And you don't even need to pay for seed trays or planting pots. Grab a few sections of newspaper out of the recycling bin, and in just a few minutes, you can turn them into perfect containers for starting seeds.

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Gather Supplies and Start Folding

You'll need one sheet of newspaper (each roughly 22" x 12") for each pot you want to make, one 10- to 15-ounce can, moistened seed-starting soil, and a waterproof tray. Start by folding the sheet of newspaper lengthwise (with the long edges together) to create a strip. Press along the folded edge.

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Create a Cylinder

Set the can on its side at one end of the strip, with the base about 2 inches up from the cut edge. Roll the newspaper around the can to create a cylinder.

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Create the Base

Starting at the outer seam, fold the free end of the cylinder inward. Make three more folds inward to create the base of the pot, pressing firmly to make the folds as flat as possible.

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