
Taylor Lautner's Hair Is Lavender Now, and Somehow He's Even Dreamier

Image may contain Taylor Lautner Human Person Face Tie Accessories Accessory Clothing and Apparel

Just when you thought Taylor Lautner couldn't get any sexier, he goes and turns his hair lavender.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly. Lautner, the raven-haired object of your former teen fantasies, has purple locks now—and he looks even dreamier because of it. Brooding Twilight brown is so 2010, guys. Candy-color tresses are where it's at!

We have Ryan Murphy to thank for Lautner's Technicolor makeover. The new 'do seems to be for an episode of Scream Queens, which Lautner appears on this season. (He plays Cassidy Cascade, a disturbingly young doctor who refers to himself as "human Viagra." Marriage material, am I right?)

"Set life can be slowwwwww," Lautner captioned the selfie that introduced his purple hair to the world. The dye job is so extreme, it almost looks fake.

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Keke Palmer uploaded a video to her Snapchat that shows Lautner's lilac mane in the wild. You seriously can't miss it.

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Could be a wig? Maybe? Probably? hypothesizes Lautner's extreme look is just for Scream Queens' Halloween episode, but I vote he keeps it forever. Purple werewolves are way cooler than normal werewolves.