French Boulangerie by FERRANDI Paris

Available on 2 November 2022,
in French and English, with Flammarion Editions


A complete baking course

From crunchy baguettes to fig bread, and from traditional brioches to trendy cruffins, this comprehensive volume teaches aspiring bakers how to master the art of the French boulangerie. This new cookbook focuses
on bread and viennoiserie, the category of French baked goods traditionally enjoyed for breakfast (like croissants and pains au chocolat); it is a perfect complement to FERRANDI’s bestselling French Pâtisserie, which covers baked desserts. 

    More than 40 techniques, explained in 220 step-by-step instructions

    From making your own poolish or levain to kneading, shaping, and scoring various types of loaves, and from laminating butter to braiding brioches. Base recipes for doughs, fillings, and classic viennoiserie provide fundamental building blocks

    Prepare more than 80 classic or original recipes, as well as
    as well as gourmet snack recipes 

    Organized into four categories—traditional breads, specialty breads, viennoiserie and sandwiches – the 83
    easy-to-follow recipes provide home chefs with sweet and savoury options for breakfast or snacks – from
    sourdough baguettes to grissini, pastrami bagels to croque-monsieurs, and Lyonnaise fritters to crumpets.
    Select gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan recipes offer something for everyone. A

    Boulangerie Viennoiserie de FERRANDI Paris, aux éditions Flammarion

    - Date of publication: 1er novembre 2023
    - Price: 35 €
    - Number of pages:304
    - Publisher: Flammarion
    - Language: English, French

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