White Tiger painting

Here is the latest Tiger painting from my easel, it’s oil on canvas, as usual, and approx 30 x 21in.

It was a real challenge to bring all the elements together in this painting, I hope you think I pulled it off.

Hope to get a decent photo soon as this one is very poor.

white tiger

white tiger

About Jason Morgan - wildlife artist - Oils, pastel pencils and more
I am UK based professional wildlife artist with over 15 years experience in online teaching. I have one of the most popular wildlife art communities - https://www.patreon.com/wildlifeart with hundreds of members getting NEW full length painting and drawing videos each month. I also have a popular wildlife teaching site - packed with DVD discs and downloads - http://www.jasonmorgan.co.uk You can find me on Facebook here - https://www.facebook.com/jason.morgan.wildlife.art/ I specialise in pastel pencils and oil paints, but also work in charcoal, graphite and coloured pencils too.

4 Responses to White Tiger painting

  1. mpapenke says:

    this is the best i have seen of you.you seem to improve with age.marvelous painting .

  2. Kathleen says:

    Absolutely stunning, honestly words fail me, so beautiful.

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