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Blackchin Tilapia
Genus: Sarotherodon
Species: S. melanotheron

See below for care details

Maximum Size: 8”
Aggression: Mid
Temperature: 72-77 F
pH: 7-8
Hardness: 10-20 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons, 55 better
Feeding: Will eat most offered foods, but best fed with more green foods (like algae wafers, nori, spinach) than meaty foods
Notes: The Blackchin Tilapia is a large fish that is surprisingly mellow for a Cichlid of its size. In the wild, they are found in large groups and are not particularly aggressive outside of breeding times. They are generally inept predators of fish and typically ignore dissimilar over 2 or 3 inches in length. They cohabitate well with other large, unaggressive fish like Scats and Tete Sea Catfish. Though not overly destructive generally, these fish will uproot plants and consume softer ones, though tougher plants like Anubias may be unharmed.

Blackchin Tilapias have been bred in the home aquarium. They are paternal mouthbrooders and courtship is initiated by the female, who digs a pit to attract males. The eggs hatch in 4-6 days and the fry are kept in the male’s mouth for 14-20 days. At this point, the male ceases parental involvement and the fry are left to fend for themselves. At this stage, the fry can be fed with very small foods like newly hatched brine shrimp and microworms.


Blackchin Tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, Practical Fishkeeping

Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron, Seriously Fish

Cichlids (family Cichlidae), Neale Monks

Brackish Water Fishes, Neale Monks

(Image Source)

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