
Catasetum fimbriatum

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Catasetum fimbriatum - The Fringed Catasetum
Common name: The Fringed Catasetum
Family: Orchidaceae subfam. Epidendroideae
Distribution: S Tropical America
Habitat: Dry to humid, coastal lowlands, plains and savannas; 400-800m
Life form: Epiphytic
Bloom Time (northern hemisphere): Year round; peaks in August to October
Bloom characteristics: Arching to pendent inflorescence is up to 18" long, with both male and female flowers on the same spike. Each inflorescence has 7-15 fleshy flowers which are highly variable and 1.5" across.
Fragrance: Spicy
Medicinal/pharmaceutical: In northeastern Paraguay, women have been known to use the pseudobulbs of this orchids as an ingredient in a sterilizing potion.
Description: The Fringed Catasetum is named for the fringed lip of the male flower. This flower is on a hair trigger, and if an orchid bee (or unsuspecting person) brushes against it, the flower can rapidly shoot its sticky pollinia at it.
Comments: Catasetum fimbriatum
Links: Internet Orchid Species Photo EncyclopediaKew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families


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