6012 YORK BLVD, LA, 90042~ 213.424.8330

Trachelospermum Jasminoides "Star Jasmine"

Trachelospermum Jasminoides "Star Jasmine"

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16" (15 gallon) grow pot (Aprox. 8 ft) with stake 

10" (5 gallon) grow pot 

     Blooming in spring and early summer, star jasmine will perfume an entire garden. Take a walk through a yard that hosts this easy-to-grow vine and you’ll likely catch the scent of the bright white flowers before you see them.

Light: Thrives in full sun. It will grow in shade, but it grows slowly and produces few flowers in a part-shade or full-shade location. Select a planting site that receives at least 8 hours of bright sunlight each day. Fertile, well-drained soil is also best for growing this vine.

Water: Water regularly during the first growing season to promote the development of a deep root system. Once established, the vine has good drought resistance and rarely needs supplemental watering.

Humidity: Loves humid conditions and will thrive best in a moderately moist environment.

Temperature: On average your jasmine will grow and bloom best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Fertilizer: It's important to wait until your star jasmine is established before you begin fertilizing it. Once the roots are well-established, you can feed your star jasmine in early spring and then again in mid-summer with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for shrubs and trees.

Soil: It will grow best in a mixture that is moderately moist and well-draining.

Toxicity: Non-toxic