A few butterflies and moths – June 3, 2018

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Just 3 hours in the woods today, searching for species, mostly butterflies…

These few shots present some of the more active butterflies observed today. There is also one moth shown, but its story is a bit different, being captured the night before while observing moths with an UV bulb. A few individuals from the species were afterwords collected and the next day they were released in the same location; this allowed for some daytime shots since they do not fly during the day.

Euphydryas maturna:

Euphydryas maturna 1.jpg

Euphydryas maturna 2.jpg

Lopinga achine:

Lopinga achine.jpg

Coenonympha arcania:

Coenonympha arcania.jpg

Deilephila elpenor:

Deilephila elpenor 5.jpg

Deilephila elpenor 4.jpg

Deilephila elpenor 2.jpg

Deilephila elpenor 3.jpg

Deilephila elpenor 1.jpg

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