This small fritillary is rather dark in colour which can separate it from species such as the Heath Fritillary. Individuals in N Spain however have more prominent orange markings and a much paler underside than individuals found in other parts of Europe. It is quite a weak flyer, keeping close to the ground and stopping often to feed off damp ground or to bask on vegetation. It has a preference for damper areas, often at higher altitudes.

Distribution: N Spain eastwards through central Europe to S Fennoscandia and Pelister Mt in N Macedonia although absent from peninsular Italy, Greece, Mediterranean islands and most coastal regions.

Flight Period: May-August in 1 or 2 broods.

Habitat: Damp meadows, river valleys, lightly wooded scrub up to 2000m.

Foodplants: Various Valerian species (Valeriana).

Nectar Sources: Betony (Betonica officinalis), valerians (Valeriana), hawkweeds (Hieracium), thymes (Thymus), thistles (Cirsium), scabiouses (Scabiosa/Knautia). Also takes salts from damp ground.
