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Wang, W. Population Genomics of Megalobrama. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 16 May 2024).
Wang W. Population Genomics of Megalobrama. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed May 16, 2024.
Wang, Weimin. "Population Genomics of Megalobrama" Encyclopedia, (accessed May 16, 2024).
Wang, W. (2022, February 11). Population Genomics of Megalobrama. In Encyclopedia.
Wang, Weimin. "Population Genomics of Megalobrama." Encyclopedia. Web. 11 February, 2022.
Population Genomics of Megalobrama

Megalobrama is the economically most important freshwater fish genus in China. Germplasm resources of Megalobrama have been depleting as a result of environmental degradation and artificial factors. By using population genomics, the genetic information of species diversity can be established with the advent of high-throughput sequencing. Researchers established the whole genome database of Megalobrama populations using the whole genome re-sequencing technology, explored population genetic structure, and inferred comprehensive evolutionary relationships using principal component analysis and population structure analysis. 

genome resequencing Megalobrama population structure demographic history feeding habits

1. Introduction

Megalobrama is a cyprinid fish genus that belongs to the subfamily Cultrinae (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). It is one of the economically most important fish species, as well as the main aquaculture species in China. The genus Megalobrama contains four recognized species, M. amblycephala, M. skolkovii, M. hoffmanni, and M. pellegrini [1]. Previous studies categorized the four species mainly based on morphologic traits and geographic distribution. For instance, Mamblycephala is distinguished by the morphology of the upper orbital bone and oral fissure, and also the caudal peduncle depth/length ratio [2]. It is mainly distributed in large- and medium-sized lakes in the middle and lower branches of the Yangtze River [3]M. skolkovii differs from the other three species in the longer length of the first swim bladder [2]. It inhabits the Amur, Yangtze, Yellow, and Minjiang rivers [4]M. hoffmanni has pigment deposits on the scale base that form dark spots on its body surface and exists mostly in the Pearl River and Hainan Island [5]Mpellegrini dwells in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and has a unique upper jaw and upper orbital bone shape [6]. Although previous studies have reported biological differences between Megalobrama species, the phylogenetic relationships among M. amblycephala, M. skolkovii, M. hoffmanni, and M. pellegrini remain unknown [7][8].
Four Megalobrama species have distinct feeding behaviors. For instance, M. hoffmanni is an omnivorous fish that feeds mostly on benthic creatures such as freshwater shellfish, river clams, organic detritus, and some aquatic plants [9]M. skolkovii and M. pellegrini are omnivorous as well, however, they primarily feed on aquatic plants [10]. Importantly, in M. pellegrini, the development of the upper and lower jaws as well as the thickening of the stratum corneum have strengthened the scraping function, making it more conducive to feeding on stationary organisms [6]M. amblycephala lives in aquatic plant-rich lakes and its diet consists primarily of aquatic plants, emergent plants, floating-leaf plants, and submerged plants. It is classified as herbivorous fish that mainly feeds on aquatic vascular plants [11]. Obviously, Megalobrama species must have evolved metabolic mechanisms that allow them to adapt to varying dietary compositions. However, it is not clear how Megalobrama species regulate carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism to maintain energy balance in the body.
Megalobrama germplasm resources have been rapidly depleting in recent years as a result of many factors, including environmental degradation factors. There are a few reports on Megalobrama genetic resource conservation and population genetics [1][2][4]. By using population genomics, the genetic information of species diversity can be established with the advent of high-throughput sequencing [12][13]. For instance, whole genome re-sequencing has been used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among differentiated species [14][15]. Using the whole genome of M. amblycephala as reference genome, this entry was designed with the following objectives: (1) establish the whole genome database of Megalobrama population using the whole genome re-sequencing technology; (2) explore the genetic structure of populations and infer detailed evolutionary relationships by phylogenetic tree, principal component analysis (PCA), and admixture analysis; (3) illustrate the demographic history of Megalobrama species by pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent (PSMC) method; (4) determine candidate genes related to variations in feeding habits utilizing selective sweeps analysis that would indicate the molecular mechanism (s) of environmental adaptability of Megalobrama populations. This entry will ascertain the genetic diversity, population history, and improve the understanding of the evolution of Megalobrama populations and their molecular mechanisms of environmental adaptability. These findings will represent a significant contribution to conservation and utilization of Megalobrama’s germplasm resources.

2. Genome Resequencing and Variation Calling

A total of 180 Megalobrama fish representing different geographical populations in China were selected for genome resequencing (Figure 1). To explore the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of Megalobrama, all samples were sequenced to an average sequencing depth of ~17.43 × per individual yielding 94% sequencing coverage, an average Q20 of 97% and an average Q30 of 90%. After filtering and quality control, the sequencing generated a total of 4.063 Tb raw databases and 3.483 Tb clean databases. Researchers mapped all individuals to the M. amblycephala genome and detected 31,857,189 SNPs in the Megalobrama populations.
Figure 1. Geographic map indicating the distribution and feeding habits of the Megalobrama species in this entry. Circles reflect the geographic regions where the samples were collected from. The blue lines represent the rivers.

3. Phylogeny and Population Structure Analysis

Admixture analysis was used to cluster individuals based on all high-confidence SNP sites. When ancestry components (K) = 6, six geographically distributed ancestral components (K) were labeled as: HN and Pearl River M. hoffmanni populations; M. amblycephala populations; FY and other M. skolkovii populations; and M. pellegrini populations (Figure 2A). This finding was supported by cross-validation (when K = 6, the cross-validation error was minimum) and was consistent with the phylogeny and biogeographic distribution (Figure 2B). Using the Danio rerio as an outgroup, a phylogenetic tree was constructed by the maximum likelihood method based on all non-admixed individuals. All of the samples were clustered into three branches. Initially, M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni were clustered into a single branch and M. skolkovii and M. pellegrini clustered into one branch (Figure 2C). The findings revealed a close genetic affinity between M. skolkovii and M. pellegrini groups whereas the M. hoffmanni population showed genetic divergence from the other Megalobrama groups. Additionally, principal components analysis (PCA) provided supporting evidence for these groupings (Figure 2D). The first four principal components divided the Megalobrama populations into six subgroups. Taken together, the results provided compelling evidence that Megalobrama species from various geographical distributions can be divided into six different subgroups.

Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis of different Megalobrama geographical populations. (A) Population genetic structure of 180 Megalobrama fish. The length of each colored segment represents the proportion of the individual genome inferred from ancestral populations (K = 2 - 8). The species name is at the bottom. (B) Cross-validation (CV) error for varying values of K in the admixture analysis. The minimum of estimated CV error on K = 6 suggests the most suitable number of ancestral populations. (C) Maximum-likelihood-based phylogenetic tree constructed using no admixed individuals. The scale bar represents pairwise distances between different individuals. Different colors represent different Megalobrama species. (D) Principal component analysis (PCA) of Megalobrama populations. Eigenvector 1, 2, 3, and 4 explained 45.06%, 18.03%, 4.00%, and 1.73% of the total variance, respectively. MH refers to M. hoffmanni, MA to M. amblycephala, MS to M. skolkovii, MP to M. pellegrini.

4. M. amblycephala Introgression into M. skolkovii

In this entry, researchers used Treemix to confirm the gene flow from M. amblycephala to M. skolkovii. Using M. hoffmanni as the outgroup, among the four Megalobrama species, only one migration event was inferred from the M. amblycephala to the M. skolkovii with approximately 50.77% DNA gene flow from M. amblycephala to M. skolkovii (Figure 3A). Moreover, the migration patterns of these two species’ geographic populations demonstrated that LZL, DTL, TEL, YNL, and PYL M. amblycephala populations introgressed into the FY, SG, QT, and JS M. skolkovii populations. Notably, the migration weight of M. amblycephala introgressed into QT and JS populations was greater than that of the FY and SG populations.

Figure 3. Population genetic analysis of Megalobrama species. (A) Gene flow analysis of Megalobrama species. Arrows indicate migration events that occur between populations. The heat map indicates migration weight. (B) Nucleotide polymorphism (π), and differentiation index (Fst) of the four Megalobrama species. The largest circle represents the large π value, and the longer line segment represents the large Fst value. MH refers to M. hoffmanni, MA to M. amblycephala, MS to M. skolkovii, MP to M. pellegrini. (C) Decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns for the four Megalobrama species inferred by the phylogenetic trees.

5. Linkage Disequilibrium and Genetic Diversity

The genetic diversity (π) of M. skolkovii and M. hoffmanni were estimated to be 3.827 × 10−3 and 3.324 × 10−3, respectively, which was relatively high in comparison to M. amblycephala (2.072 × 10−3) and M. pellegrini (1.888 × 10−3). The low genetic differentiation (Fst) between M. skolkovii and M. pellegrini (0.148), and the high Fst between M. hoffmanni and M. amblycephala (0.4091), M. skolkovii (0.3516), and M. pellegrini (0.4259) (Figure 3B) are consistent with the phylogeny analysis. Between the four Megalobrama species, linkage disequilibrium (LD) and correlation coefficient (r2) values were calculated. The decay of LD reached half the maximum average r2 at a distance of 24 Kb, 4 Kb, 1.8 Kb, and 0.2 Kb for M. amblycephala, M. pellegrini, M. skolkovii, and M. hoffmanni, respectively (Figure 3C). Therefore, M. skolkovii and M. hoffmanni displayed a faster LD decay rate than M. amblycephala and M. pellegrini.

6. Demographic History of Megalobarma Species and Species Delimitation

The split times based on the relative cross-coalescent rates (RCCR) among the four Megalobrama species reached 0.5 suggesting a split between M. hoffmanni and other species 3–5 Mya. The cross-coalescence analysis suggested a decline to 0.5 between M. amblycephala and M. skolkovii or M. pellegrini at ~1.3 Mya, and a decline to 0.5 between M. skolkovii and M. pellegrini around 0.3 - 0.4 Mya (Figure 4A). The PSMC method used to reconstruct the demographic history of six Megalobrama subgroups indicated that the effective population size (Ne) peak of M. amblycephala and M. pellegrini was 2.5 Mya and 4 Mya, respectively, compared to 3 - 4 Mya of the Ne peak for the M. skolkovii subgroups. After that, the FY M. skolkovii subgroup continued to shrink, whilst the Ne curves of other M. skolkovii subgroup split at 0.2 Mya expanded (Figure 4B). Moreover, the two Ne peaks of M. hoffmanni occurred at 0.3 Mya and 5 Mya, respectively, during the middle pleistocene geological period (Figure 4C). Interestingly, the split of Ne curves of the two M. hoffmanni subgroups occurred about 0.4 Mya, indicating a population divergence at this time. The ancestral reconstruction analysis revealed two different biogeographic evolutionary processes to investigate the ancestral distribution of genus Megalobrama. According to the BBM analysis, the genus Megalobrama was originally distributed in the Pearl River and then spread to Hainan Island and Northern China. However, the analysis based on the S-DIVA and DEC models showed that the Megalobrama ancestors originally inhabited the Pearl River and Yangtze River, before spreading to the Amur and Wusuli Rivers.

Figure 4. Demographic history of Megalobrama species. (A) Relative cross coalescence rates (CCR) between Megalobrama populations. When the two populations are completely mixed, the CCR is close to one. When they are completely split, the CCR is close to zero. The dotted line indicates that the CCR is 0.5. MP, MS, MA, and MH refer to M. pellegrini, M. skolkovii, M. amblycephala, and M. hoffmanni. g (generation time) = 2.5 years; μ (neutral mutation rate per generation) = 0.14 × 10−8. (B) PSMC model estimates changes in the effective population size over time, representing variation in inferred Ne dynamics. The undulating broken line in the figure is the estimated effective population size of each population in the evolutionary history. The time axis is not divided into deciles. μ = 0.1 × 10−8. MH-HN, MH-GD, MP, MA, MS-FY, and MS-other refer to the Hainan population of M. hoffmanni, Pearl River populations of M. hoffmanni, M. pellegrini, M. amblycephala population, Fuyuan population of M. skolkovii, and other M. skolkovii populations. (C) Timeline of Quaternary glaciation. Mya = million years ago.

7. Selective Sweeps for Dietary Adaptation of Megalobrama

To investigate the potential selective signals during M. amblycephala dietary adaptation, researchers scanned the genomic regions based on genome-wide calculations for selective sweeps by estimating Fst, PiR, and XP-EHH values. Candidate genes were discovered in the common region of top 5% Fst, High/Low top 5% PiR, and High/Low top 5% XP-EHH, inferred from the comparisons between M. amblycephala and the other three species (Figures 5A). Fatty acid degradation, glycerolipid metabolism, beta-alanine metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism, histidine metabolism, insulin secretion, and lysine degradation, among other metabolic processes were associated with a significant portion of the candidate genes, according to GO and KEGG analyses. M. amblycephala mainly feeds on high-fiber and low-energy aquatic vascular plants. The candidate genes of M. amblycephala were enriched in fatty acid degradation and corresponding upstream and downstream pathways. For instance, Aldh3a2 and Acss3 genes in fatty acid α-oxidation, Hadhb gene in fatty acid β-oxidation, Akt2 gene in insulin signaling pathway, Aldh3a2 gene in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, Gbe1 gene in starch and sucrose metabolism, Acsbg2 gene in fatty acid biosynthesis, and Aldh3a2 gene in valine, leucine, and isoleucine degradation (Figure 6A). Moreover, these genes exhibited a high expression pattern in the liver and/or spleen tissue of M. amblycephala compared with M. hoffmanni (Figure 6B-E,b-e).

Figure 5. Genome-wide inference of selection sweeps on chromosomes during the diet adaptation of M. amblycephala (A) and M. hoffmanni (B). MA and MH refer to M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni. Gbe1, Akt2, and Aldh3a2 were identified from the comparison between M. amblycephala and M. skolkovii, Acss3, and Acsbg2 from the comparison between M. amblycephala and M. pellegrini, Hadhb from the comparison between M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni, and Cyp46a1, Tas1r1, and Baat from the comparison between M. hoffmanni and M. amblycephala. The black curve indicates the nucleotide polymorphism ratio (PiR) analysis, and red curve indicates extended haplotype homozygosity between populations (XP-EHH) analysis. The green and pink boxes represent the position of the selected genes on the chromosomes.

Figure 6. Metabolism pathways and expression pattern of candidate genes. (A) Candidate genes of M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni enriched in the metabolism pathways. The lines and selected genes in M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni are indicated in green and pink, respectively. The dashed lines used to connect KEGG pathways represent indirect relationships. (BF) The expression pattern of candidate genes (Acss3, Aldh3a2, Gbe1, Hadhb, and Cyp46a1) in the liver tissue of M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni. (bf) The expression pattern of candidate genes (Acss3, Aldh3a2, Gbe1, Hadhb, and Cyp46a1) in the spleen tissue of M. amblycephala and M. hoffmanni. Different letters indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05).

Among the three omnivorous Megalobrama species, the food composition of M. hoffmanni is rich in zoobenthos. The common regions of top 5% Fst, High top 5% PiR, and Low top 5% XP-EHH were the selected regions inferred from a comparison of M. hoffmanni and M. amblycephala, which covered a total of 75 selected regions with a length of 4.14 Mb and including 126 genes in M. hoffmanni. These genes were found to be abundant in cellular and metabolic processes including taste transduction, fatty acid elongation, biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, and biosynthesis of amino acids according to GO and KEGG enrichment analysis. Interestingly, researchers found some candidate genes (Cyp46a1 and Baat) involved in cholesterol metabolism (Figures 5B, 6A). The results indicated that compared with M. amblycephala, the Cyp46a1 gene was highly expressed in the liver of M. hoffmanni, but not in the spleen (Figure 6F,f). Furthermore, functional annotation indicated that the umami taste receptor gene Tas1r1 was abundant in the M. hoffmanni sensory system.


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